Saturday, May 30, 2009

Keyshia?, Pt 2

Here is a link to a full pic of the tat on her right arm. And a closeup of the Leno spot.
My web search also turned up a pic of her Vibe cover. I guess they shot her from the OTHER side.


I was watching Jay Leno's last show tonight and he showed a montage of the best of his 'Jaywalking' bit.

Blow me down with a feather when I hear this woman that doesn't recognize Colin Powell's picture.

I look up and see this redhead. (pardon the pic, don't have HDTV, blogging from my phone)

Where's Ryan Cameron when you need him?

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Last night, for a few minutes, erroneously announced Adam Lambert as the winner! I had to get a screen shot as proof!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Shut up and Drive!

This technology should have won first place. I think we would see a greater benefit quicker than the concept that won first place!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Does the President Wear a Wave Cap?

I was watching the news today and noticed President Obama's fresh cut!
I think he wears a wave cap at night...

How about you?